понедельник, 4 февраля 2013 г.

How to Fast to Lose Weight - The Right Way to Do It

If you're interested in how to fast to lose weight but are looking for a simple plan that not only works extremely well but can be integrated into even the busiest of lives then you need to examine intermittent fasting as the approach to follow.

Intermittent fasting or short period fasting is basically where you drink only water for around 24 hours 2-3 times per week. To show this more clearly here is an example short fast period.

Monday - Eat your regular meals but don't have anything else after dinner.

Tuesday - Fast all day drinking only water until dinner in the evening. For this meal just have normal meal that consists of healthy foods.

By doing it this way you still get the reward of having some calories every day

Before I began this type of fasting I was wary that missing meals and going without food for many hours would play havoc with my metabolism and reduce my muscles that I had worked so hard to acquire. However reading Brad Pilons Eat Stop Eat I discovered that this was just a myth and that fasting for this amount of time was not going to have this effect. However just to be clear if you fast for longer periods than this or follow very low calorie diets for weeks on end then this will result in a slower metabolism so don't go there.

Diets are all about fewer calories

When you examine any form of diet all they really are is just a method to get you to consume less calories so that you end up using more than you eat.

This is the basic principle behind all weight loss and it will never change. If you follow any diet completely without any cheating then you will lose weight however it is just finding the right method that you can stick with.

This is why I think intermittent fasting once or twice per week is the answer on how to fast to lose weight. It is simple to follow, doesn't require too much planning and organisation and I actually found was saving me money because I was eating less meals.

But the main reason that I believe it works so well is that it doesn't feel like a diet. Sure the fast days can be little tough but they do get easier as you do more plus you always know you will be eating that day. Also on the non-fast days you can still eat what you want within reason. Of course if you keep eating lots of junk food then your results are not going to be as good. But I have found that by having a normal healthy diet with the odd treat meal I am able to lose fat quickly and keep it off without any real effort.

It is my belief that intermittent fasting is the healthy and correct way to fast to lose weight. It allows you reduce your calorie consumption easily and therefore create a significant deficit that is fundamental to losing weight successfully.

Useful information secrets for weight loss

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